

Fun and unique 3D puzzle to be assembled HALF TOYS will stimulate the curiosity of our little ones, through varied animals and rich universe colors. HALF TOYS will encourage creativity and learning. Come discover our two worlds: Dinosaur & Savanna.

The Ankylosaurus was a peaceful vegetative dinosaur, measured 6 to 9 meters long and weighed up to 4 tons. The main characteristic of the Ankylosaurus lies in its defensive armor, consisting of bone plates and spines. This defense system was one of the most effective in dinosaurs.
De Afrikaanse krokodil meet tussen de 2 en 3,50 m en weegt tussen de 200 en 400 kg. Hij onderscheidt zich door een lange driehoekige snuit en zijn vierde tand in de onderkaak die aan de zijkant uitsteekt wanneer zijn mond gesloten is . Geduchte roofdieren, ze zijn carnivoren altijd op jacht, meestal ondergedompeld in water.
The gnu are herbivorous and measure 1.50 to 2.30 m long and weigh between 100 and 250 kg. Males and females have a pair of horns that can go up to 83 cm long. They run at 58 km/h on average with peaks at 85 km/h. In the presence of danger, a gnu often reacts by fleeing  They live in herds of more than a hundred individuals.
Parasaurolophus was een vredige vegetatieve dinosaurus die tot 10 meter lang was en 5 ton woog. Het belangrijkste kenmerk? De grote schedelrug die een lange gebogen buis tot aan de achterkant van de schedel vormt. Hij gebruikte akoestische resonantie in zijn kam om te communiceren met zijn soortgenoten.
Elephants are the largest land mammals. The only larger mammals are marine mammals. The African savannah elephant is up to 7 meters long and weighs up to 7 tons. In nature the elephant lives at least 50 years old. Particularities of the elephant is its 2 ivory tusks, its 2 big ears and its long trunk which serves for many reasons: to eat, to shower, to clean the eyes, to tear trees, ...
De Stegosaurus was een vredige vegetatieve dinosaurus die 7 tot 9 meter lang was en 2 ton woog. Het belangrijkste kenmerk? Platen en punten die in zijn nek tot het midden van de staart opstaan, verticaal als wallen aan elke kant van zijn ruggengraat.
The Diplodocus was a peaceful vegetative dinosaur that measured 25 to 30 meters for a weight of 10 to 20 tons. The main feature of the Diplodocus was its long neck, a long tail and compact body. It fed on plants that he reached at different heights.
The hippopotamus is the 3rd largest terrestrial mammal. A male hippopotamus is 3.5 m long and weighs 1.5 tons on average. Its biggest characteristic is that it is a semi aquatic animal , with a massive body, a very large mouth, small ears and big canines of 50 cm. It’s a herbivore with a thick skin of 6 cm and it can ran up to a speed of 30 km / h.
The impala is a herbivore of 110 to 150 cm. The impala has a slender, muscular body with long, thin legs. Thanks to its top speed of 60 km/h, zigzagging and impressive jumps of 3 meters high and 10 meters long, the impalas often succeed in sowing its predators. It lives in a herd of dozens of individuals consisting of a dominant male, several females and youngs.
The lion is a carnivorous mammal and the largest feline in Africa. It is a powerful and formidable hunter and its ambush and hunting techniques leave no chance for its preys. The lion lives in large family groups. Lions are very territorial and expel any male intruder from its territory. An adult male feeds on 7 kg of meat each day and has a life expectancy of 10 to 12 years.
The triceratops was a peaceful vegetative dinosaur that measured up to 9 meters long and weighed 5 to 6 tons. The main feature of Triceratops is a large bony collar behind its skull, designed to protect its neck and shoulders. It has 3 horns, one on its nose and two on its head which gave it its name "Three-horned Head".
The Tyrannosaurus or T-rex is the dinosaur that has the reputation of being the most ferocious. It was carnivorous and measured up to 14 meters long for a weight of 7 tons. The main feature of the T-rex was its head about 1.5 meters long with a very impressive jaw. It was bipedal, with very small arms and a very long tail.

As you understood,

For the moment there are 12models available, but many other different worlds will come.

Soon the sea world of HALF TOYS will be a real delight for childeren.

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